Benvenuti In A.S.D. Scherma Bresso
2nd Regional GPG Test and Master Test: rain of medals

The 2nd Regional GPG Test was held at the Gerenzano Arena over the weekend: a shower of medals for the #Bressoboys and #Bressogirls, a remarkable team performance and a big round of applause for the whole team of foil, a big round of applause for all the technical staff. A great “bravo” to Cecilia Alfano, Bruno Biscevic, Filippo Gasparotti, Ruggero Porcelluzzi and Eleonora Ponzoni.

Gabriele Villa is regional champion of foil in the category Allievi, thanks to the gold won also in this second round where he is accompanied on the podium, in third place, his teammate Alessandro Tentori; 12th place for Flavio Perego, 19th for Federico Arioli, 36th for Edoardo Mignanego and 37th for Luca Frappi. Excellent results also among the girls in the same category with the silver of Sveva Accorrà and the fifth place of Valentina Izzo.

In the category Giovanissimi of sword Lucas Cavaliere wins the third place, Giorgio Pinto is 17th and Federico Scazzosi closes in 23rd place. In the foil another final to eight for Marco Michieletti who is seventh, ninth companion Giorgio Evangelisti.

Among the Boys of foil Ascanio Morgese conquers the final with the seventh place, 14th for Federico Nitri and 24th for Mattia Tripodi and among the Girls Chiara Bugoni is third. In the sword Francesco La Forza closes with a bronze, Leonardo Bonifacio is 17th and Jan Chendi 24th.

In Terni fell on the platform our Masters, the first race in the category after a year and a half of stop due to pandemic. In the Men’s sword race Category 0 Fabio Barbara wins a prestigious third place, behind Paolo Pizzo and Edoardo Munzone, while Federico Picchi is 10th. In category 2 our Claudio Cremonesi and Lorenzo Mascia respectively close at 20th and 22nd places.

Congratulations to all the athletes and athletes who gave their best on the platform.
